Tapılan ümumi test sayı : 220

If you really want to come out of this without too much damage, my advice is to play dumb.
A) play the fool
B) speak stupidly
C) say nothing
D) say silly things
After the political scandal in the government no-one in the cabinet is prepared to put their head above the parapet.
A) show their head
B) speak in the air
C) raise their head
D) speak in public
Since the news broke about the disaster, he's been keeping a very low profile.
A) trying to look casual
B) trying to look small
C) trying to be careful
D) trying not to be seen
She looked straight through him as soon as he entered the room.
A) turned round
B) looked carefully at him
C) took no notice of him
D) didn't speak to him
We asked him if he wanted to join us on the outing but he refused — I think he's a bit of a lone wolf.
A) he prefers certain people
B) he prefers small crowds
C) he prefers walking slowly
D) he prefers to be alone
I get the impression that they think we've outstayed our welcome here.
A) stayed too long
B) tried too long
C) remained longer
D) waited too long
I wish they would stop poking their noses into our affairs.
A) sniffing around
B) interfering in
C) putting into
D) discovering
I should be grateful if you would let me keep myself to myself.
A) be quiet
B) be private
C) be lonely
D) be special
I can't understand why he doesn't take the hint.
A) understand the point
B) understand the words
C) understand the speech
D) understand the talk
If I were you, I'd tell her to go jump in the river.
A) get wet
B) go fishing
C) go away
D) learn to swim
I knew once the car didn't start, saw it had a flat tyre and also that it had started to rain, that this was going to be one of those days.
A) a day when nothing goes right
B) a day when little goes right
C) a day when something goes wrong
D) a day when little goes wrong
I've been doing these exercises for two hours now and I think at long last I'm starting to see daylight.
A) see the reason for the work
B) see the end of the task
C) see the problems in the answers
D) see the answer to the problem
They got engaged about two years ago and at long last they have named the day.
A) said why they are getting married
B) said if they are getting married.
C) said where they are getting married
D) said when they are getting married
We left the children playing in the park and they were as happy as the day is long.
A) always happy
B) quite happy
C) reasonably happy
D) very happy
That last comment of yours won the day because nobody could possibly argue with you after that.
A) assured us victory
B) assured us the answer
C) assured us agreement
D) assured us progress
You know what they said about radio that it had had its day but it's still going strong.
A) stopped being good
B) stopped being clever
C) stopped being heard
D) stopped being popular
I think the time has now come when we'll simply have to call it a day.
A) stop going
B) stop working
C) stop thinking
D) stop trying
Yes, we went away on holiday last week but it rained day in day out.
A) every single day
B) every two days
C) every second day
D) every other day
Don't worry we pride ourselves on being helpful to all our customers and getting that booked for you is all an a day's work for us.
A) perfectly simple
B) perfectly normal
C) perfectly easy
D) perfectly done
I'm sure that he could make a better job of being prime minister any day of the week.
A) whatever the time
B) whatever the circumstances
C) whatever the details
D) whatever the week
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